Opinion Based on Fact, Circumstantial Evidence
The Obvious

Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2012 09:18:23 -0500
Subject: Citizens Bank and abi Innovation hub
From: nh.usmarine@gmail.com
To: [Undisclosed Recipients]

Citizens Bank and abi Innovation Hub

The citizens Bank is providing $60 thousand to help homeless across NH. I am not looking for your money but to make my cabins in the woods for homeless US Military Veterans in NH successful, help is needed and graciously accepted. Help in the way of ideas and management to be a success. I will be honest I am 100% disabled from the USMC. I say this because this letter is meant for the Citizens Bank and abi Innovation Hub. I have and innovative idea with the eleven-acres of waterfront property at 101 Stepping Stone Rd Lee NH that my wife and I just purchased with our life savings for the sole purpose of cabins in the woods for homeless US Military Veterans to live rent free until they get back on their feet if ever. These cabins will be 12’x24’ for single person homes. A place for these men and women that came back with mental and or physical disabilities or just have flashbacks unrecognized by the Veterans Administration making them live on the streets. I want paths through the woods for if time alone or a place to enjoy what life is left can pass peacefully without non-caring public comments. A Chapel on the property where these men and women can talk to who ever they want or just to spend time in a building they feel safe. I read in the paper about the Citizens Bank and the abi Innovation Hub trying to communicate to the public the ideas of helping the homeless. The newspapers refuse to inform the public of the homeless Veterans in NH and a disabled US Marine’s need to help these citizens.

This is a non-profit registered with the State of NH as Veteran Resort-Chapel. To the editors it does not matter that we are using our own money to avoid the public assuming we are doing this for profit. I have volunteered almost every day since coming home in 74 helping other citizens. I refuse to take any form of payment except a verbal thank you if extended for helping other U.S. Citizens. The spot for the first cabins and the Chapel have been cleared and we have a state approved septic design. The cabins will be Green as in composite toilets and energy efficient. The town of Lee and the State do not recognize Composite Toilets without a variance and an expensive application process. We wasted $2000.00 just to get started clearing the lot and putting the driveway in. The useless government protocol to get started delayed us so the footings for the first cabins and the drilled well will not get put in until March or April 2013. That is OK as it gives us time to look for a backhoe or skid steer at a reasonable price. It also gives us time to get a formal blueprint of the cabins and a material list. The process of the editor’s to censor our words cripples’ public support and help. Ignorant readers of NH newspapers have become the ethical practice of the News Media in NH.

I have no idea where this letter is going other than my mind needs to write it. I came back and was dropped into a world that I did not belong. My first few years were on and off homeless with out any medical care at all. The Veterans Administration is a cruel government department to those US Military they can place in the crack out of public awareness. My wife and I want to give homeless US Military Veterans a place to call home rent-free. A non-profit idea needs your help.

The cruelest part of life is the editors censoring helping those that protect Freedom of the Press they now see as useless drains on civilized society.

465 Packers falls rd Lee NH 03824

[This Page Last Updated on January 01, 2013]